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Tuesday, November 30, 2010 ♥.
It's me again ! :D
Helping my babyboy wib his blog again . Wakaka !
Alrights , baby have started working since ytd . First day of work jiu overtime. ): Heart pain nuh ! Must take your meals on tyme alright ? Take good care of yoursleve . Mwak ~
Last sunday went out wib hym , (: i say cannot smoke infront of me butbut you smoke 3 stick dhat day , badbad worh . Butbut had fun nuh . :D Was laughing on dhe bus when on dhe way back home , cause dhe aunty was sleeping in dhe bus andnd i want saying bout dhe aunty with baby . When you off le zai go out together nah .
Don't smoke so much le uh ! Takecare of your health nuh , iloveyou baby ! (L)

Posted @ 12:57 AM

Thursday, November 25, 2010 ♥.
Hey readers ! :D
I'm helping my baby to update his blog uh . Kinda dead alr , i don't lyk to see dead blog . ;x
Alrights , baby just recover from sick . Has not been feeling well since ytd . Baby , you know why ? Cause you don't want share your porridge wib me . Haha , recover le jiu hao le nuh . Must drink plenty of water uh . Ohya , monday you going interview right ? Goodluck baby ! :D
Hmmms , i also don't know want post whad leyh . I think post lyk dhat jiu can le right ? Okay bah . Byebye .
Mwak , iloveyou . 25.11.10 ; 9,04 pm . (L)

Posted @ 11:26 PM

L. WeiKang ; Goodboy

Big Name
Name: WeI KaNg

Im a friendly guy. Attach to his baby . My msn and fb all the same hotmail. fts345@hotmail.com Free to add my msn and fb. ^^

Adeline (fren)
Jingyi(best fren)
Kian Ann(brother)
Layhwa(kianann sis)
NaNa(arcade fren)
Shenee(Gan nuer)
WeI kaNg01(fren)
Tingyi(school fren)

August 2010
September 2010
November 2010
December 2010

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Basscodes: shaddie
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